Monday 13 August 2012


The Friendliest Word..

BestFriends Forever
Don't you know it END...
Minna.. don't get a Boyfriend Or Girlfriend..
You will felt like me a sorrow sadness as my friend Hikaru-kun said...
Do you want someone you can lean on
Suresh-kun said...
You are Frendly...
But i want more treasures...
"i only have 1cm to my happiness...but why can't i go there it's only 1cm...because a broken heart that is in my heart don't you felt it...a sorrow sadness that is in my heart.."
N-kun...The name Of my BoyfriEnd
it's not so fun...
i want to meet you even just a chat..
:'( the sorrow sadness..
"Am i a boring person... A stupid person,A not lovely or friendly person..."
"So Don't be  Friends with Me"
I im startinng to cry what will you do?

So learn a Moral and by the way meaning of cry is..
CRY=A loud wordless sound expressing pain, joy..

Monday 6 August 2012


im glad that i have a blog ^^... that i can put my pictures and exprees my feelling... i hope you all like this blog...
please feel free to comment i will always wait..I have a wonderfull life it's fun to have friends sometimes they make you smile and sometimes they don't ...i know what "lonely" means..i was lonely but now on this laptop i make friends i don't know what friends mean but i hope i make more friends are  like a chery that has a sweet taste.. now please feel free to do anything at mey blog..